Holter Monitor Rental

Discount Holter Monitor Rental Program

If you’ve loved a Doberman, there is a very good chance you’ve been heartbroken by Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM). This disease leads to the early and often unexpected death of our beloved Doberman family members, and is estimated to be prevalent in over 50% of the breed. Holter Monitoring is painless, simple, and the best way for early detection of occult DCM. The information it provides is power, and can increase life expectancy through medication.

Seeing a cardiologist annually, especially when no clear symptoms present, can be cost-prohibitive for many. Our new program will allow volunteers and adopters to rent the Holter Monitor for just $50 per four days – hundreds less than normal. This makes annual testing a breeze!

At this time, only active volunteers and adopters are eligible for rental. Become a volunteer or adopter today to take advantage of this awesome benefit by emailing holter@azdoberescue.org to get on the schedule!

Holter Monitor Guide for users can be found here.

Learn about DCM and how Holter Monitoring fits into the overall picture.


Our Adoptables

Adopt Doberman Hanzo

Random image: Adopt Doberman Hanzo


Voicemail: 602.492.8139
PO Box 97425
Phoenix, AZ 85060

A 501(c)(3) charitable organization
Federal EIN 27-1352468