
Your gift is so important to us, and we are so grateful. It costs us a minimum of $450 to place one healthy dog. Since we take in many seniors and special needs Dobermans, many of our dogs cost thousands of dollars each, just for medical care. Here’s how you can help:
$3500 pays for a complex surgery
$2500 pays for a hind-leg amputation
$1000 repairs neglected teeth during a dental and extractions
$850 fixes a compound fracture
$300 cleans, drains, and sutures a serious bite wound, with pain meds and anesthesia
$200 covers a simple spay
$150 covers a simple neuter
$45 gets a large bag of good quality kibble
$25 gets a good dog bed or a heartworm preventative pill
$20 gets the pain meds for a surgery
$10 gets a safe and tasty large chew
$5 gets a clean collar
Don’t see anything you’d like to take on? The list of needs goes on and on. Choose from several ways to give: Automatic monthly electronic transfers, checks payable to DHDR, cash, or PayPal. Just contact us for more information.
Our greatest need is monetary donations to cover veterinary care. If you instead prefer to donate items, see below:
- Amazon Wish List
- Chewy Wish List
- Amazon, Chewy, and Costco Gift Cards